Friday, September 13, 2019

Mapleshades Acceptance, A Mapleshades Vengeance rewrite (Fanfic)

Mapleshade Slipped through the trees, bundling Petalkit, Patchkit and Larchkit ahead of her. 
Anger seared her paws. How dare her clanmates treat her this way. She blinked, trying to clear her thoughts. Appledusk would take them in. 
“Where are we going?” Petalkit whimpered. 
“We’re going to Riverclan.” She mewed through gritted teeth. 
“Why?” The little brown she-cat asked.
“We’re going to live there, with your father.” Mapleshade picked up Larchkit and swung him over a fallen log. 
“Our father? I thought you said our father was dead?” The kit squeaked as she set him down.
“Your father is Appledusk, that nice cat you met today.” 
“Is that why everyones mad at us?” Patchkit fluffed up his ginger and white fur.
“Yes. Now shush, no more questions.” She leaped over the log and helped her kits up.
They traveled through the forest, heading for the stepping stones.
“Are we there yet?” Patchkit yawned.
“Soon, little one.” Mapleshade licked his ears. 
He ducked his head and plodded on again. She felt her heart twist with pain as she watched her kits padding with their heads and tail drooping. 
Oh, Appledusk, How did it come to this? 
The sound of the river echoed through the trees and Mapleshade peered up through the branches. The sun was sinking down toward the horizon. 
The steppingstones were visible through the brambles ahead. They pushed through the last few trees and onto the beach.
“Lets stop here and we can cross when you’ve rested.” Mapleshade mewed.
Petalkit sighed and slipped into a pile with her brothers on the grassy bank. Mapleshade curled around them and groomed their small bodies. 
Tiredness coursed through her limbs and she struggled to stay awake. 
No. I cant sleep. what if Ravening or Frecklewish finds me here. 

Mapleshade shifted and scrambled to her paws. The sun was almost completely out of sight, dipping beneath Windclan territory. More time had passed than she had thought. 
“Wake up. We need to go!” She nosed her kits.
“Mama?” Petalkit mewed. 
The little she-kit lifted her head.
“We need to go.” She repeated and lifted Patchkit and Larchkit to their paws.
They peered around with blurry eyes, taking in the river.
“We’re crossing that?” Patchkit pressed himself to her side. 
“Yes. Look, its easy.” Mapleshade padded to the first stone.
I hope. 
Her kits followed, casting worried gazes at the wet river stones.
Mapleshade pulled them close.
“Remember I love you.” She whispered. 
Nothing could happen to her kits, she wouldn't let it. 
“Petalkit you can go first,” She raised her voice to a mew again. “Then Patchkit and then you, Larchkit.” 
“Are you sure?” Petalkit asked. 
“I’ll be right behind you.” Mapleshade nuzzled Petalkit, her soft brown fur tickling her nose.
The she-kit purred and padded to the edge of the water. Mapleshade’s breath caught in her throat as the kit leaped for the first stone. Petalkit landed neatly and shook out her fur.
She sprang for the next stone and slipped. Mapleshade rushed forward, but stopped as her daughter scrambled up again.
“Ok.” She took in a shaky breath. “Ok, Patchkit you go.” 
The tom slipped forward and leaped to the first stone. The small cats made their way across the rocks.
“Your turn.” Mapleshade nosed Larchkit forward.
“I don’t want to!” he wailed. 
“It’s ok.” She murmured
She scooped him up and leaped for the first rock. She landed hard, unbalanced by Larchkit and scraped her paws on the stone. Pain flared up her legs and she gritted her teeth. A low rumbling sounded in the distance. Mapleshade ignored it, trying to concentrating on the next rock.
She lurched forward and landed on the next stone, then the next and the next. There were five more stones between Mapleshade and the far bank. Patchkit had caught up to Petalkit and they had slowed, having to catch one another when they fell. 
Mapleshade purred as she watched Patchkit saved Petalkit from slipping to far. Her kits were so loyal to each other already. The rumbling had slowly grown into a roar. She scrambled forward again, panic flaring through her. 
The water flowed past faster and faster until it had blurred together into a gray mass. 
“Mapleshade!” Petalkit cried from the last stone.
Mapleshade set Larchkit down.
“Just keep going.” She called over the roar. 
Larchkit whimpered and wormed under her belly.
She looked up again wondering what Petalkit wanted now.
Standing on the bank was Appledusk, Rainfall and Perchpaw. 
“Mapleshade! get out of the river!” Her mate called.
She snatched at Larchkit but the water had risen up to her legs and Larchkit was pinned against her paws.
“Save Petalkit and Patchkit-“ She started to call, but a wall of water slammed into her. 
Water stung her eyes and filled her mouth. Mapleshade panicked and lashed out, barely catching Larchkit as he was swept away from her.
She pulled him close and struggled up, fear burning her fur. 
Please let them save Petalkit and Patchkit. Please, Starclan.
Darkness fell over them as they sank deeper into the water.
“No!” Mapleshade wailed as a branch rushed past and snagged Larchkit.
She coughed, but only sucked in more water. 
Larchkit! I have to save him.
With out the weight of a kit, Mapleshade was able to burst upward and break the surface. Gasping in air, Mapleshade peered around.
“Larchkit! Larchkit!” She spluttered. 
A black shape appeared beside her and Rainfall was suddenly supporting her in the crashing water.
“Stupid she-cat!” He muttered.
“My Kits? Were are my kits?!” Mapleshade gasped. 
Her thick fur was heavy with water, dragging her down.
“We only saw were you went. Appledusk is looking for them now.” Rainfall pushed her forward and then there was rocky ground beneath her. 
Mapleshade scrambled out of the water. She coughed, shaking water from her fur. She raced down stream, tripping over rocks and grass. 
Pain flared in her already aching limbs and she fell over a large dip in the earth. 
“Larchkit, Petalkit, Patchkit…” She whimpered, dazed. 
Mapleshade forced herself to her paws. She had to find her kits. She stumbled a few more steps and pushed through a bush to see Perchpaw. He was pulling a soaked bundle out from the river. 
“Petalkit?” Mapleshade cried. 
She collapsed next to the kit, licking her fur.
“She’s still breathing.” The gray apprentice mewed, a bit shakily.
He was right. Mapleshade could hear the tiny she-kit’s breath, though it rattled painfully.
Appledusk pushed his way out of a thorn thicket, holding two more dripping kits.
“Are they alive?” Mapleshade asked him.
“I think.” Appledusk set them down next to Petalkit and curled around Mapleshade. 
They huddled around their kits for what seemed like ages, though it was probably only a few heartbeats. 
Finally Appledusk got shakily to his paws. 
“We need to get them back to camp.” he mewed. 
Mapleshade shook out her fur. She gently picked up Patchkit and settled him on Appledusk’s back. The tom took Petalkit and Mapleshade held Larchkit. Appledusk slowly lead the way back to the Riverclan camp. 
Mapleshade followed in a haze. Her paws dragged and she realized that she had almost lost her kits. Pain and fear had been the only emotions she had when the water had almost taken her life. She trembled as her damp fur met the cold air.
“Appledusk? Who is this?” The camp guard, A white she-cat asked.
“This is Mapleshade.” Was all he said.
They made their way to the center of camp and Mapleshade set the her kits down gently and stood over them.
Darkstar looked up from the side of the camp. She stood and padded to the two cats.
“Appledusk. What is this?” The black she-cat asked.
“This is Mapleshade… My mate.” Appledusk mewed stiffly.
“I was a Thunderclan warrior, but they cast me out when they found out that my kits were half clan.” Mapleshade explained. 
If this cat tried to hurt her or her kits…
“Please can I stay, I will be a loyal Riverclan warrior.” She pleaded.
“Mate…” Darkstar mewed.
“I…” Appledusk started.
“No need to explain. You have brought Riverclan kits and a warrior. You are forgiven.” Darkstar told him.
“I can stay?!” Mapleshade mewed, relived.
“Yes. Take the kits to the medicine cat, Milkfur. Mapleshade, You are welcome as a warrior of Riverclan, may Starclan guide your paws.” She turned and padded away.
The white she-cat guard padded from were she had been listing a few paces away.
Mapleshade stared to protest, but Appledusk pulled her back.
“They’ll be fine, lets go rest.” He lead her away.
I can’t leave them! What if something happens! She worried.
Appledusk turned and nosed her gently away.
She turned and watched as her kits were carried away to a small opening in the reeds.    
Appledusk lead her into a reed den and she fell asleep instantly.
Mapleshade settled herself next to Appledusk. Many moons had past since she had come from Thunderclan and she and Appledusk had since moved to the elders den.
The Greenleaf sun shone through the trees and sent paths of sunlight across the clearing.
“I can’t believe Darkstar made them warriors already.” Mapleshade whispered to Appledusk.
He rumbled a purr, turning his head and watched. 
“And then I slashed at the Windclan scum like this.” Patchshade mewed and lashed out with both paws.
Perchwing purred and bumped Patchshade’s shoulder.
“Oh come on! Everyone knows that Windclan are barely scarier than rabbits!” Petaldusk complained.
her brother fluffed his fur up and hissed, batting at her playfully.   
“Hey! no fighting!” Larchfeather protested. 
Petaldusk and Patchshade turned on him and Perchwing backed away as they bowled their brother over. 
Appledusk purred even louder. Mapleshade was pretty sure that Shadowclan could hear him. 
“They really do fit in here.” He mewed.
“When did they ever not?” Mapleshade protested and flicked his ears with her tail.
“I’m not saying they didn’t!” 
“Toad brain.” 
They stretched out in the sunlight and Mapleshade closed her eyes. 


Mapleshade still goes to the Dark forest after she dies, not becuase she was forced to but becuase she wanted to get revenge on all those Thunderclan cats who threw her out. She is still evil. And don't get me wrong, I like Mapleshade being evil. 

Thursday, May 16, 2019



Leader: Graystar: Gray and orange tabby tom.

Deputy: Greentail: black and white she-cat with green eyes.

Medicine Cat: Reedfeather: Yellow tabby tom.

 Squirrelstripe: Ginger tom.

 Breezewish: White she-cat with blue eyes.

 Roseshadow: Orange she-cat with green eyes.

 Willowripple: brown tabby she-cat.

 Poppyfoot: calico she-cat with black paws.

 Lillysong: light tabby tom.

 Birchstream: Gray tom.

 Irisstream: Gray tabby she-cat.

 Redwhisker: Red-brown tom with blue eyes.

 Brightberry: Orange and white tom.
Apprentices: Blackpaw.

 Burningsun: yellow and white patched she-cat.

 Longshade: dark tom with a striped pelt.

 Wetflower: Brown tabby she-cat with white paws.

 Oakfire: Red tom with orange eyes.

 Frostapple: White she-cat with green eyes.
Apprentice: Blinkpaw.

 Mossflame: Gray tom with a white underbelly and green eyes,

 Flaxfeather: Gray tabby with amber eyes.

 Silverdove: black and white she-cat with blue eyes.

 Darksmoke: golden tabby tom with dark brown eyes.

 Fernstem: Tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes.

 Sandrunenr: Pale tabby tom.

 Tigerlilly: Light gray and brown tabby she-cat.
(Mossflame's kits, Bramblekit and Blackberrykit.)

 Twisttail: Mottled brown she-cat with blue eyes.
(Brightberry's kits, Bouncekit, Maplekit, and Brindlekit.)

 Blackberrykit: Black and white she-kit.

 Bramblekit: Pale tan she-kit with amber eyes.

 Bouncekit: Mottled brown she-kit with orange eyes.

 Maplekit: Mottled brown she-kit with green eyes.

 Brindlekit: Orange and white tom kit.

 Blackpaw: Back and orange she-cat.

 Blinkkit: Yellow and white tom.

 Dawnfrost: gray she-cat with an orange tail tip.

 Palefern: Tan tabby tom with pale green eyes.

 Songbird: Brown she-cat.

Lovewing Dovewing

Wednesday, May 15, 2019



Leader: Orangestar: Orange she-cat with amber eyes.

Deputy: Rosefeather: White she-cat with amber paws.

Medicine cat: Thistlefur: Gray tom with amber eyes.

 Dewfur: Sliver tom.

 Brushtail: Red tom with a fluffy tail.

 Aspenflower: White and gray tabby she-cat.

 Sunpelt: Yellow she-cat with blue eyes.

 Ryeclaw: Tab tabby tom.

 Petalstripe: Ginger and white she-cat.

 Mistclaw: Black tabby tom.

 Braveheart: Calico she-cat with blue eyes.

 Mosspelt: White and brown tom with amber eyes.

 Medowtail: Black and white tom.
Apprentice: Volepaw.

 Snowstripe: Gray she-cat with white paws.

 Bloompelt: Ginger and black tom.
Apprentice: Weedpaw.

 Wishfur: Gray tom with long fur.

 Pebblefoot: Orange she-cat with blue eyes.

 Ashpelt: Yellow she-cat with blue eyes.
(Bloompelts kit's, Windkit and Leafkit.)

 Leafkit: Black tom with yellow stripes.

 Windkit: dappled yellow, orange and black she-kit.

 Volepaw: Black tabby tom.

 Weedpaw: Gray she-cat with blue eyes.

 Feathernose: soft gray she-cat.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019



Leader: Badgerstar: White tom with black stripes.
Apprentice: Maplepaw.

Deputy: Foxfeather: Russet-brown she-cat with dark green eyes.

Medicine cat: Violetwhisker: Tan tabby tom with white paws. Apprentice: Flowertail: gray she-cat.

 Ashcloud: Tan she-cat with a white underbelly.

 Darksky: Gray and white tom with blue eyes.
Apprentice: Needlepaw.

 Birchpool: Black tom with amber eyes.

 Mudstream: Brown and gray tom with blue eyes.

 Brambleflight: Twawny tom-cat with white patches.

 Leafshimmer: Orange and brown calico she-cat.

 Barkberry: Dark brown tom.

 Waterwillow: Black tabby she-cat with orange eyes.

 Fallingblossom: pale gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes.

 Lockfur: Former rouge with gray fur and one green eye.

 Elktail: Brown tom with a cream muzzle.

 Rainberry: White she-cat with blue eyes.

 Snowdapple: Tortoiseshell she-cat with white patches.

 Blueheart: dark gray she-cat with blue eyes.

 Firemoon: Dappled gray and white tom with amber eyes.

 Spottedstem: brown calico tom with green eyes.

 Rippednose: light gray tom with a scarred nose.
Apprentice: Ceaderpaw.

 Sleekpool: Orange she-cat.
Apprentice: Dewpaw.

 Rabbitleap: Dusky brown she-cat with black splotches.

 Otterwisker: Ginger tabby tom.

 Appleblossom: White she-cat with gray stripes and amber eyes.

 Snakefoot: Brown tom with white paws and tail.

 Whiterose: White and brown she-cat with amber eyes.
(Snakefoot's kit's, Icekit and Thrushkit.)

 Icekit: Small white she-kit.

 Thrushkit: Mottled brown and white she-kit.

 Maplepaw; Ginger and black tom.

 Needlepaw: Black she-cat.

 Ceaderpaw: Light brown tom with amber eyes.

 Dewpaw: White and brown tom.

 Logpelt: Brown tabby tom with gray eyes.

 Hawktail: tan and orange she-cat.

 Fernheart: Former MoonClan leader with a twisted leg and brown fur.

Monday, May 13, 2019


Leader: RussetStar: Red-brown she-cat with white patches.

Deputy: Dewfeather: Pale gray tom with green eyes.

Medicine cat: Ashtail: Gray and white she-cat
 Apprentice: Willowpaw.

 Sparrowclaw: Brown tabby tom with blue eyes.

 Fernfire: Gray and orange tabby she-cat.
Apprentice: Beepaw.

 Dovefeather: White-gray she-cat.
Apprentice: Sandpaw.

 Wispertail: Pale tabby tom with blue eyes.

 Riverheart: Dark gray tom with amber eyes.

 Amberwater: White she-cat with ginger patches.

 Moonshadow: Silver tom.
Apprentice: Stagpaw.

 Darksun: Dark cream she-cat with amber eyes.

 Featherpelt: Russet tom with green eyes.

  Blackstep: Large black tom.

 Sparrowflight: Mottled brown tom with blue eyes.
Apprentice: Skypaw.

 Fallingsnow: White and black she-cat.

 Bramblebush: Golden she-cat with darker stripes.
(Moonshadow's kits, Icekit and Firekit.)

 Liontail: Pale brown she-cat with green eyes.
(Riverheart's kit's, Flightkit, Tigerkit and Mosskit.)

 Icekit: White she-kit with a fluffy pelt.

 Firekit: Pale ginger tom with dark paws.

 Flightkit: Brown she-cat with a white muzzle.

 Tigerkit: Pale gray tom kit with white patches.

 Mosskit: Pale gold tom.

 Beepaw: Tan tabby tom with blue eyes.

 Sandpaw: Dark brown she-cat.

 Deerpaw: Mottled gray tom.

 Willowpaw: Silver she-cat with green eyes.

 Snowear: White and black she-cat with amber eyes.

Thornfire Ref sheet