Stormstar: Dark grey she-cat with black paws.
Fire-eyes: Fire orange tom with amber eyes.
Medicine Cat
Graypelt: Grey she-cat.
Sparkpelt: Blue-gray she-cat with a white underbelly.
Talonfoot: pale brown tom with long claws.
Apprentice, Rainpaw.
Palesun: Dappled gray and orange she-cat with ice blue eyes.
Heronfang: Black and white tom with green eyes.
Echobreeze: Black and brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes.
Apprentice, Flowerpaw.
Duskflower: Orange-brown she-cat with white ears.
Apprentice, Bushpaw.
Raggedcloud: White tom with brown legs.
Rosepool: Pinkish-brown she-cat with amber eyes.
Pinefur: Red tom with blue eyes.
Apprentice, Softpaw.
Yellowtail: Black tom with yellow-brown legs.
Fallowleaf: White she-cat with green eyes.
Halfface: Brown and orange she-cat with half her face brown and the other half orange.
(Fire-eye's kits, Sagekit and Umberkit.)
Husktail: Pale orange she-cat with thick fur.
(Raggedcloud's kits, Silverkit, Blossomkit and Jaykit.)
Sagekit: Black tom with blue eyes.
Umberkit: pale gray She-kit with speckled brown fur and yellow eyes.
Silverkit: Silver she-kit with silky fur.
Jaykit: Blue-gray tom with amber eyes.
Blossomkit: Orange-red she-kit with a white underbelly and amber eyes.
Softpaw: Light gray she-cat with white paws.
Flowerpaw: White she-cat with light gray patched and dark purple eyes.
Bushpaw: Brown tom with green eyes.
Rainpaw: Deep gray tom with white paws and blue eyes.
Whitetail: Snow colored she-cat with pale blue eyes.
Leopardstripe: Blind gold she-cat with black spots.
Emeraldfur: Black tom with green eyes.
Oh wow. Flowerpaw was my first ever OC. Purple eyes 😂